Wednesday, February 7, 2007


temporal- the rhythm of the city begins with the heart beats of its inhabitants. the rhythm of life is a breath in and out. with day and night, these form the foundations of what has become a very complex rhythm- the urban beat. every action has its own rhythm in the city. driving in your car, you have a 3000 beat per minute under your hood, while traffic lights cause an irregular rhythm of starts and stops. when you stop, your periphery turns from blur to awareness, and you have a minute to observe the environment around you before you move on back to the tunnel visions of driving. walking down the street, your feet spark a rhythm that plays foundation to the urban music around- cars driving by, people yelling out, a street performer's literal music, it all swims around you in complex rhythm, so that with headphones and music on, life becomes the perfect music video where infinite possiblity becomes new made history every moment of your existence. moving back a step on the scale of time, urban morphology tells the secrets of the past within the city. just as culture, philosophy and religion of our times is ingrained within the architecture of today, so it was yesterday. an understanding of history and urban landscapes dawns light on an uimage of the city as a continuation. our urban landscape is a rich socio-historico-psycho-theological museum which is constantly altered and supplemented. from preservation to gentrification, the city is a shifting, morphing organism with many nuclei of many category. edge cities, cbds, suburbs, MUDS- so many perspectives on urban life represented through so many forms. change is the only constant in the urban landscape- man has taken the reigns of his creative evolution and rides the process of existence like a tamed beast- his proof is the built environment. collectively, we are evolving and our cities change to fit the mold, sometimes revisiting or reevaluating old ideas. one needs only leave a city for ten years to come back and be lost or shocked by what he/she sees. the city changes more quickly each year.

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