* Volume and space are closely related in that volume is traditionally defined as the amount of space an object occupies in three-dimensions
* In cities, the interrelationship and sequential experience of spatial typologies play a strong role as building volumes interact with their surroundings to shape new spaces
* The relationship between positive and negative, mass and void, edge and open space is particularly important in the urban landscape
* Volume could refer to the quantitative aspects of a space, such as the volume of traffic and pedestrian activity
* Volume and space engage one another in a state of flux; the relationship between the two is fluid and continually evolving

* Defining edge conditions: urban to suburban, interior to exterior, sidewalk to street, public to private, individual to group to society, poverty to wealth
* Streets and other systems form the framework for activities within a city; buildings are contained within blocks as defined by streets, which also serve to unite the fabric of the city
* Framing activity is also an important role of the urban space: parks provide a setting for social interaction and people-watching, campuses offer a place for intellectual exchange, downtown districts provide a location for business by day and culture by night

* Texture and sound are the most direct means of transferring information about the city to the urban user; they are the qualitative informers of the urban space
* Layers of the city are built up and revealed through the overlap and coincidence of texture and materiality: earth, foundation, structure, skin, society
* Texture and sound are particularly related in that the interplay between the two can allow for a heightening of the user's experience on multiple levels
* Sound and texture are continuously changing, adding new layers of information to the urban experience in an unbroken stream
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